Sims 3 cc folder 2017
Sims 3 cc folder 2017

sims 3 cc folder 2017 sims 3 cc folder 2017

Go into build mode and build a wall, or a room. NoBuildSparkles.package: Nobuildsparkles will show that your custom content is actually working in-game.If the plumbob animation and intro videos no longer play (you go straight to the loading screen), then you know your. nointro.package: The No Intro will eliminate the EA Intro video before the game starts loading, which makes it very quick and easy to see if things are setup properly.package files should be fully working in-game! You already have two package files installed, so you can tell right away whether things are working properly. Delete the Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods folder and start try again from step 1. No! You must have done something wrong.Everything okay? Do your folders look as they should in step 4 and step 5, with all the right files/folders in place?

sims 3 cc folder 2017

Icon and exactly what it says for "type" are irrelevant as far as working in the game is concerned - what matters is that it ends with.

sims 3 cc folder 2017

It's okay if your icon looks like a Sims 2 package icon, a monkey, a white sheet of paper, or anything else, and the type may say "PACKAGE" or something else. Note: The picture shows them with a little green plumbbob icon, and "Sims3 Package" under Type. They are 1 tile high so they will sit above one another very well to cover any height object.Inside the Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Packages folder Check Packages Folder: Your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages folder should have two files inside it: NoBuildSparkles.package, and nointro.package These are wall decor and will repeat place. These are great for the aforementioned fixer upper, or would work great on any abandoned house. So I took the boards off the mine entrance in Oasis Springs, edited them, made 3 sizes and 2 styles, and recoloured them a little to give a little choice. I wanted something a bit more authentic then what was available in game that could do the same job (surprisingly, the cork board is good this this). Basically, I made these items for use in my Fixer Upper gameplay I post on tumblr.

Sims 3 cc folder 2017